Saturday, June 27, 2009

Cole Can Crawl!!! Oh Crap, Cole Can Crawl...

June 27th was the infamous day that Cole Patrick Casatelli crawled his first crawl! Karen and I were lucky enough to both be there to witness it. It was so cool to see him decide to do it! He started to go and I was like....Wait!! Get the camera!!! I don't think I could be more proud of my boy or my family! Check this out....


Anonymous said...

Congrats COLE!!!!! :)
You are about to give your parents HELL! I can't wait to hear the stories that follow.

Anonymous said...

After a hard day at work, this puts a smile on my face
Mom, M-I-L, Grandma

Tante Ana! said...

YAY my Pepper!!!! Tante is sooo proud!! so, after you childproof your house, you need to come child proof mine :) Tuesday's with Tante just got turned up a notch :)

mish said...

Way to go Pep!! You finally decided it was time to get mobile!! I can't wait to experience your crawling in person:) ILY!! Mimi

Anonymous said...

Just watched the videos again. So fun. I bet he picks up speed each day. Love the dogs in the background supervising. KW