Friday, March 28, 2008

Fun with needles?

Sounds crazy right? I have usually have lots of picture ideas going through my mind that never come to fruition. This one however, actually did, with the help of my friend Ashlea. I am sure she thought I was nuts, but she agreed to pose. I cant tell you what my secret ingredient was for the wicked blue injection, but I can tell you that it makes my floors GLO.

The panaramic view of several pictures was just an experiment with color. Sometimes I forget all the things my photo programs do. Sometimes it helps you take a new look at an old photo...and presto, new again.

The last picture in the group, was taken at a park near my home. Just a strait forward shot of the monkey bars, but I liked the colors. Red, Blue and Silver. Not a bad combination. I was there to shoot something else, but this was the keeper out of the group. Sometimes the best shot is the one that happens in the moment.

Anyway, I have to run. I have got a big shoot tomorrow with Mike Bond and several Atlanta bands. Keep an eye out for the new edition of Local Bands On Demand via Comcast.

PS. No photographers were harmed in the taking of these photographs...

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Trash The Dress Vol. 2.0

I can't believe that I live 300 yards away from this photographers dream and didn't know it. A huge swamp full of beaver damns, snakes, leaches and everything else a growing boy needs. Immediately after finding it ofcourse, I forced my wife to play model yet again. But not before I went shopping for ladies dresses at the local Goodwill store. I was a sight I'm sure, but I was a man with a vision. I am willing to sacrifice for my art. That includes public humiliation. Luckily it warmed up a bit in the afternoon and Karen was willing to brave the chilly March air to appease me. I hope you like the pics. I had a blast shooting them. Below are a handful of the 350 shots that I took Sunday afternoon.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Black and White Mood

Another rainy day. I dont know why it makes me want to shoot, but it does. Here are a few shots that I like...

The Bump...

Sometimes you are in the right place at the right time...this was one of those moments...