Saturday, June 27, 2009

Cole Can Crawl!!! Oh Crap, Cole Can Crawl...

June 27th was the infamous day that Cole Patrick Casatelli crawled his first crawl! Karen and I were lucky enough to both be there to witness it. It was so cool to see him decide to do it! He started to go and I was like....Wait!! Get the camera!!! I don't think I could be more proud of my boy or my family! Check this out....

Friday, June 26, 2009

Liberation Leads To Exploration

So I am on my lunch break, with nothing but Tomato Basil soup on my mind, when we come across this lovely fellow. He was having a hard time crossing the street with all the fast moving cars and all. So my coworker Ash and I stopped to offer a helping hand. To say the least, he was not very receptive to our offer. But rather than see him turned into turtle soup, we forced our help upon him. I carried his sewage stinking keester 100 yards back to his swimming hole trying to avoid losing a digit the entire way. Not so much as a thank you for my efforts. Oh and my tshirt was purely coincidental...
Photos 2,7,8,9 by Ashlea Taylor

After our Turtle Liberation was complete, we noticed a small garden fenced off from the surrounding properties. Upon closer inspection, we realized that is was not a garden, but a small family burial plot. But here's where it gets a little weird. Nearly all of the plots within it, belongs to infants and children. I mean no disrespect by posting this, but I had never seen anything like it. Headstone after headstone....children. Unbelievable.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Cole loves his hot tub...

It probably wouldn't go over well at the neighborhood pool so....we figured it was time to give Cole his own private area for skinny dipping. He loves it to say the least. Especially splashing Daddy's camera! hahaha...

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Comcast Shoot with Elevation, Jaspect and Rudy Vaughn

As promised, just shy of a week gone by. Sorry about that, life just caught up with me, you know? Three amazing bands, full of amazing instrumentalists. Please go check out the episodes on Comcast Bands On Demand. You won't regret it. Here are some pics to wet your whistle...