Friday, January 18, 2008

Snow Day....(sort of)

Atlanta is not known for its snow storms, so if there is even so much as a flurry, everyone begins to panic and stock up on bottled water. But, as usual, it was a huge disappointment. The snow was gone before it even hit the ground. But it did provide a good oppertunity to take some photos. The sky was cloudy and the weather was rainy and cold...perfect time to shoot right? Well I took a chance and here's what I got. Interesting story about the first picture...The body of water in front of the tree, that looks like a actually a puddle about 4 feet across. I sat the camera right above the water which made it look huge. Not intentional, but I like it. The darker shots were taken just before sunrise, and the street lights were still on reflecting off the pavement. Thats all for now, let me know what you think...

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R and A said...
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