Sunday, January 20, 2008

What can I say...I love the snow.

I just sat in front of the computer all day editing these pics. You would think that with time, I would become more efficient. Apparently not yet. Anyway, we got another little blast of snow here in Atlanta and I was chomping at the bit to get out there and shoot. Luckily my wife Karen, was willing to brave the cold and pose for some photos. We had a great time just driving around and stopping to shoot where ever. Thank you dear, you are the best.

You will also see two of our four children making an appearance, Gus and Toby. Gus is becoming a regular, and some of the other pups were starting to voice their complaints. So I guess I will have to put some pics of Shadow and Nanook on the blog in the near future.

Check out the pics and let me know what you think...

Friday, January 18, 2008

My animal friends...

So, I know you have seen Gus make an appearance on my page before...but look at him. He is the man. He is the most cooperative subject I have ever shot. Granted, he is an old man who would probably rather sit still than run around like a wee pup, but he still rocks. I brought him to work with me today to get a bath, and I figured he might as well get good and dirty before he gets clean, right? So we went for a walk on the farm, still muddy from the rain. I took a few shots of him just lounging around, and he looked like a stud, so here they are. Tell me you don't want to hang out with Gus.

The other two pics are oldies but goodies. My friend had a copy of one of them on her desk, which reminded me to go track it down. I found it yesterday and decided to chuck it up here. Our resident farm cat Stud was taunting my dog and trying to coax her into the barn through a busted board. Luckily she was preoccupied with a squeeky ball. They both sat still long enough to catch these shots.

Snow Day....(sort of)

Atlanta is not known for its snow storms, so if there is even so much as a flurry, everyone begins to panic and stock up on bottled water. But, as usual, it was a huge disappointment. The snow was gone before it even hit the ground. But it did provide a good oppertunity to take some photos. The sky was cloudy and the weather was rainy and cold...perfect time to shoot right? Well I took a chance and here's what I got. Interesting story about the first picture...The body of water in front of the tree, that looks like a actually a puddle about 4 feet across. I sat the camera right above the water which made it look huge. Not intentional, but I like it. The darker shots were taken just before sunrise, and the street lights were still on reflecting off the pavement. Thats all for now, let me know what you think...

Monday, January 7, 2008

Last But Not Least...DEAR ENEMY

Heavy, dark and melodic. Cant go wrong with that combination. Local boys done good, Dear Enemy...

Set Number Two...STONE RIDER

A new chapter in the life of some Atlanta veterans. They have a new record coming out called Three Legs Of Trouble. Don't miss this live show, amazing band.

One Of Three...KENOTIA

I could talk about it for hours, but I think I am going to let the pictures do most of the talking. Long story short, I had the pleasure of shooting several bands this weekend for a local TV show. This is the first of three sets, and they are an amazing local act named Kenotia. Great sound, great energy, and great musicians. Check it...