So, I know you have seen Gus make an appearance on my page before...but look at him. He is the man. He is the most cooperative subject I have ever shot. Granted, he is an old man who would probably rather sit still than run around like a wee pup, but he still rocks. I brought him to work with me today to get a bath, and I figured he might as well get good and dirty before he gets clean, right? So we went for a walk on the farm, still muddy from the rain. I took a few shots of him just lounging around, and he looked like a stud, so here they are. Tell me you don't want to hang out with Gus.
The other two pics are oldies but goodies. My friend had a copy of one of them on her desk, which reminded me to go track it down. I found it yesterday and decided to chuck it up here. Our resident farm cat Stud was taunting my dog and trying to coax her into the barn through a busted board. Luckily she was preoccupied with a squeeky ball. They both sat still long enough to catch these shots.