Friday, March 20, 2009

Please excuse the quality.... we're po'!!!

Please don't view these vids as a reflection on my photography! I figured you might want to see them regardless of the "graininess". My boy, doing what he does best. Mad Cuteness!

And while I am here...I might as well show you a snapshot Cole's Aunt force feeding him alcohol. Shame on you Tante! He is a total booze hound...


MIL said...

OMG - the cutest !!
Grandma E

Anonymous said...

He is THE SMARTEST BOY ALIVE! LOL, that was so cute hearing you say that!

And he will be spelling his fursiblings names before saying them, right?! That's a good idea. :)

Cute videos, thanks for posting them. Can you teach Ryan how to post videos since he should have posted video of Stormea a month ago!????
See you MONDAY! Eeeeek! ;)

Anonymous said...

Too cute. Thanks a million for sharing those. Kathy

Anonymous said...

um, no Cole Peppers were intoxicated during the filming of this movie... and it was AWESOME champagne!! of course, I HATE me in the pic!!!
Love the Tante