Saturday, January 24, 2009


Found yet another gem....
Can you believe it? Who knew I lived in an area where people just leave their property is....with stuff in it? And why is it that people who enjoy Pabst Blue Ribbon always find these homes and party there regularly. Seriously, there are always sleeping bags and tons of empty beer cans. Weird. Anyway, my friend/subject/couch wrangler and I found this little beauty on the way to lunch. Probably have driven past it 50 times without stopping. But on this fateful day, we did. 1 house, 3 barns, a couple of couches from the 70's and 1 sweet outhouse! Check 'em.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Instead of screams would you like me to describe it as wailing while you thrashed about trying to free yourself? ;)
You screamed.

Next you'll give me the 'first class liar' line.

I really like the pics you took!
