Saturday, October 31, 2009

And the winner is......

MONKEY BUTT!!! The people have spoken and they have said loud and clear.....we love the monkey. I know I have seen this picture before. But its early in the day and we have many pics to take of the boy's first Halloween. Patience is a virtue.

Look how much I've grown!!!

I was a little worried that my son might be born with a pigmentation problem after this stunt. Like, he might come out of the womb orange! Cole is cute and pinkish and he turned out just fine...and now we've come full circle. Our boy is almost a year. Its crazy to say that out loud. "My boy is almost a year." Happy Halloween to all our peeps.

Pic O' The Day 10.31.09

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Pic O' The Day 10.28.09

And pretend this one actually went up ar 7AM. has been a long week.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Pic O' The Day 10.27.09

Pretend this photo actually went up yesterday!
Local up and comers Seven Story Fall.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Not a gamer....but this was too good.

Saw this today while catching a few minutes of Sports Center, and it is awesome. Forget the video game, and enjoy the rest. Makes me wish I was still playing proper football. And makes me wish I could go across the pond to see my Blues.

Pic O' The Day 10.13.09

Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Many Costumes Of Cole!

We need your help! Our child is too adorable!!! What do we do? We have too many great costumes for Halloween and we can't decide which to wear on the big night! So.....we bring the decision to the masses. Give your opinion on the poll to your right!!! ------->

Pic O' The Day 10.4.09