Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Want some COLE in your stocking?

I thought so. Here are a few choice pics of the boy to wet your whistle until I update Keep your eyes peeled for that....
All of the following photos were taken by Mrs. Casatelli.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Published Photo....

It's a start, right? This is one of the photos I took on the Comcast Bands On Demand shoot for Batata Doce. It appeared in an interview on Creative Loafing's Website. Not too shabby....
The sad thing is, I wouldn't have even known about if my bro Mike Bond hadn't shot me a text to let me know. Crazy Right?

In related news, be sure to check these kids out if you are a Comcast subscriber.....

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Thanksgiving Day Belated...

I know its December now, but I have had more than a few requests for Turkey Day Pics. Here are a couple of the boy enjoying his new family members. There is no shortage of love for this boy. I think I got to hold him for about 5 minutes the whole day. Much Love and Happy Holidays....