Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Want some COLE in your stocking?

I thought so. Here are a few choice pics of the boy to wet your whistle until I update Keep your eyes peeled for that....
All of the following photos were taken by Mrs. Casatelli.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Published Photo....

It's a start, right? This is one of the photos I took on the Comcast Bands On Demand shoot for Batata Doce. It appeared in an interview on Creative Loafing's Website. Not too shabby....
The sad thing is, I wouldn't have even known about if my bro Mike Bond hadn't shot me a text to let me know. Crazy Right?

In related news, be sure to check these kids out if you are a Comcast subscriber.....

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Thanksgiving Day Belated...

I know its December now, but I have had more than a few requests for Turkey Day Pics. Here are a couple of the boy enjoying his new family members. There is no shortage of love for this boy. I think I got to hold him for about 5 minutes the whole day. Much Love and Happy Holidays....

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Comcast Shoot with Esme, South 70, and Richey Lam

Another amazing Comcast Shoot with my boy Micheal Bond and Peachtree One Entertainment. As usual, it was a blast and all of the bands were tip top. This time I had the pleasure of shooting Rock, Country and Soul all in one day. If you want to see all the shots for each band, you can see their gallery on my website at:
Check these guys out by clicking on their names below....




Sunday, November 16, 2008

As Promised!!!

My favorite photo shoot to date! This kid is so cool. He put up with a lot to get these shots. Clothes on, clothes off, diaper change, burp, pee on my backdrop, burp, pee some more.....but it
was wicked fun. He is a great subject, as is my lovely wife who contributed the last shot as well. You are both amazing. Leave some comments for Cole as he is a little insecure about his first nude portrait! I assured him they would be tasteful.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Last one of these I swear....

I know these photos don't carry a lot of artistic merit.....but look at how cute this kid is.
Even with his pacifier taking up most of the shot. I promise the next round of Cole photos you see, will be way cooler in comparison. Keep checking in, I plan on doing some portraits on Saturday....

Saturday, November 8, 2008

More pics of my boy!!!

Well you may have seen his first bath at the hospital in the video below...but here was his first bath at home. As you can tell by the pacifier in his mouth, he was not loving it. And you can tell by the last photo that "tummy time" didn't last very long after having a nice warm bath. Zzzzzzzz. Karen and Aunt Michelle also contributed some photos to this entry. Poor guy must feel like the paparazzi are following him day and night.